Implementing Campaign Manager - System Management

Removing system level logon management

Explains how to remove the system level Logon Management for a specific Logon.


  1. In the AlterianAuth.Auth.LoginIndex SQL table, identify the ID for the logon that you want to deny access to the system level 'Logon Management' functionality.
    • Open SQL Server Management Studio on the SQL server for the system.
    • Query the AlterianAuth.Auth.LoginIndex table to find the login ID for the user that you want to deny access. For example, B6CC97DA-DF00-4B3E-B2F8-8708FD82CA45.
  2. Identify and note the ID for the AuthManagement site index from the AlterianAuth.Auth.SiteIndex SQL table. The default ID is usually 3.
  3. Query the AlterianAuth.Auth.LoginSiteSettings table and locate the entry for the logon ID noted earlier. It should have the following settings:
    • SiteID: The ID from AuthManagement
    • SettingID = 1
    • Value = True
  4. Change the Value setting from 'True' to 'False'.
  5. Save and test.
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